“Indeed, we know enough at this moment to say that the God of Abraham is not only unworthy of the immensity of creation; he is unworthy even of man” (Harris 227).
Religion, as argued by some of today’s most famous atheists, is the source of the world’s problems (Dawkins 345). For centuries, they say, it has driven mankind to oppress, murder, and make war (Hitchens 15-36). One of atheist’s complaints against Christians, is that they go about seeking to increase their numbers by inseminating the rest of the world with their ideological worldview—a practice which, to their credit—is ironically Darwinian (Gillian). This form of ideological crusading known as evangelism, where Christians promote their worldview through the gospel message, is seen as a cultural massacre by materialists (Gillian). Christianity, however, is not the only “religion” which seeks to extend its membership through evangelical conquest.
During a recent trip to India, the author was presented a book by his father—an atheist—called The Evolution of God by Robert Wright. In retrospect, this exhaustive work seems more like a five hundred page tract written to evangelize evangelicals into a new found faith in Darwinian Evolution. Wright’s Evolution of God is insidiously condescending, an assault on Judeo-Christian religions, relentlessly tearing at their foundations by quoting some of the finest skeptical scholars. Fundamentally, Wright bases his thesis on the 19th century theories first proposed by Wellhausen, Ernst, and Renan: that the Bible was progressively revised to adapt its message to the social and political conditions of the times; a process, more Darwinian than divine (Kishlansky et al. 237).
Wright selectively reviews the history of religion as if taking readers on an archeological tour of the fossil record, neatly preserved in some cross section of strata which reveals how religions gradually evolved over millennia. Wright’s fantasy of authoring the next Origin of the Species, which he calls the “Origin of Our Beliefs,” is symptomatic of something much deeper than an honest pursuit of truth. In reading his book, it’s clear from the outset that his interpretation of data is confined to an ideological lens, which is wholly darwinian, and therefore, “atheistic.” Wright’s thesis is based on the premise that Darwinian Evolution, the “unguided” process of natural selection through random mutation, is the parent process by which everything, biologically, psychologically—and therefore, religiously—came into being (Wright 15).
Atheism has become a religion. Evolution is god—and Darwin—is its prophet. Although Wright purports to hold to a materialistic worldview, he ironically employs creationist terminology when describing natural science, which is common among atheists (Wright 4; 320). Moreover, Lael Weinberger describes Richard Dawkins as New Atheism’s High Priest, who “delights to speak of the wonders of science in sanctimonious tones, his alternative religion.” Atheists have simply substituted their idols of nature, natural selection, and evolution in place of God when describing creation. It is concerning when on one hand they deny that nature is designed, and on the other hand describe nature as the designer. The real issue they seem to have is not with the idea of a god—but the God of the Bible (Harris 227). The fact of the matter is that atheism is a religion, cloaked in an idolatrous scientific theory by which men continue to rebel against God (Weinberger).
Consequently, society is at risk of being denigrated by what may be called Darwinian Fascism. Just as Wright intends to reduce religion to some binary biological process, obscuring its true origin, so too do Darwinian Fascists intent to do with mankind—obscuring their true origin by reducing them to mere organisms in a desperate struggle for survival (Weinberger). This infectious ideology produces a poor self-concept in the minds of the masses, negatively affecting their mental and physical health as a result of unnatural thoughts and actions; and therefore, placing the whole of humanity at risk (Dobkin and Pace 39; Al-Kathib).
This ideological struggle has more to do with religion than reason; technocrats are seeking to depose theocrats and establish a new religion. This is the context by which one can see through the technical rhetoric to the underlying motive of the movement (Wright 444-60). A.C Grayling’s The Good Book: A Humanists Bible, best exemplifies the atheist religious agenda, which attempts to displace the Holy Bible with an “atheistic” ideology almost word for word and book for book. Nevertheless, irrespective of this religious fanaticism, Christianity must be demonstrated to be the most reasonable ideology from a purely scientific standpoint, and there are numerous avenues by which biblical Christianity can be shown to have a positive net effect on not only individuals but societies as a whole (Al-Kathib).
For example, there are many documented cases of how people’s authentic Christian conversions, subsequent shifts in worldview, and ultimate shifts in actions have not only dramatically changed their lives—but history itself. Of particular note, Mission Generation, a Christian organization operating in Latin America, claims to have introduced a revolutionary Christian based curriculum into Bolivia’s secular school system. This program they assert, has been reported by Bolivian officials to have significantly reduced several major problems including suicides within the student body, while simultaneously increasing student academic performance (Mission Generation). The success of this program has reportedly led to its nationwide institution, irrespective of the government’s ideological stance (Mission Generation).
In contrast to Darwinian Fascist claims that religious belief is a form of mental illness, recent research suggests otherwise (Whitely). Patrick F. Fagan points out that 81% out of ninety-nine studies reviewed regarding mental health identified a positive link between religiosity and well being. Fagan goes further to cite studies which have shown the positive net effect of religiosity in areas as far ranging as compassion and charity to violent crime. Moreover, Harvard graduate and historian Candy Gunther Brown, published several books including Testing Prayer: Science & Healing and Global Pentecostal and Charismatic Healing, detail the scientifically observable accounts of Christian healing prayer in the world today.
Such academic research, when synthesized into a meaningful mosaic, paints a picture for people to see—that biblical Christianity is the solution to the world’s problems—not their cause. For example, God’s Word says “I wish you may prosper and be in health, even as your soul [or mind] prospers” (3Jn 2), and further, to “be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may know [or experience]…the will of God” (Rom 12.2). Therefore, the Bible prescribes believers to not only renew their minds with God’s will, but to also experience it by prospering and being in health (Rom 12.2; 3Jn 2). This ideology, though infectious like that of Darwinian Fascism, conversely produces a self concept which positively affects mental and physical health for the better, as people think and act in conformity with God’s original design for them.
Several conflicts are bound to arise in the case for Christianity over atheism and its religious order. The main reason being, even though the comparison is strictly scientific, its implications are not. Thus, one conflict will be finding adequate support within the scientific community, whose members have been known to keep silent for fear of penalization. Ben Stein’s documentary Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed exposes the dangers that academics face when voicing any dissent against Darwinian Evolution in favor of Intelligent Design theory. Many scientists depend on financial support from special interest groups that are either pro-atheist, pro-Christian, or pro-something. Therefore, a scientist’s funding can be dependent on the conclusions drawn from their research. Also, any research that threatens the authority of the Darwinian paradigm also threatens the authority of the research conducted within that system; if evolution is fundamentally wrong—so is the research upon which it is founded. This alone is a cause for resistance within the scientific community (Brown, Testing 11).
Another conflict will be other religious and spiritual systems, who will protest against the exclusive claims of Christianity and likely present competing data. For example Yoga and meditation have become a mainstream practice in the west, and there are studies that show its corresponding health benefits. Consequent to various allegiances, biased scientific research funded by special interest groups will show contrary evidence that will challenge findings previously presented—irrespective of the truth.
In lieu of the Darwinian Fascist agenda to replace Christianity with a new world religion, where Evolution is god and Darwin its prophet, it is time to take action. What this ultimately boils down to is humility vs. pride, obedience vs. rebellion, Christ vs. antichrist, and life vs. death. If the survival of the fittest is the law by which atheists live, then science will determine the victor concerning these opposing ideologies. Research shows that people’s behavior is determined by how they perceive themselves: if they see themselves as animals, they will act like animals; if they see themselves as children of God, they will act like God—who revealed Himself as Jesus Christ two millennia ago.
While perhaps a modern day showdown between today’s prophets of Baal and Elijah may be excessive, God has never ceased to answer by fire. Only today, in contrast to the demonstrations of times past, that fire is a fire of healing, restoration, and salvation—all of which point to Jesus Christ, the way, the truth and the life (John 14:6).
Al-Kathib, Talal. “Theists vs. Atheists: Who’s Better Off?” Discovery News. Discovery
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Brown, Candy G. Testing Prayer: Science and Healing. United States: Harvard, 2012. Print.
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