In 2012, a report from the Daily Mail claimed that China was involved in the trafficking and consumption of human fetuses for use in medicines and aphrodisiacs. While this story made headlines and sparked controversy, the evidence supporting it was questionable at best. The Chinese Ministry of Health denied the allegations, emphasizing their strict regulations on the handling and disposal of fetal remains. Whether or not these claims are true, they raise a crucial question: What does it say about a society where such stories could even be considered plausible?
But let’s entertain the hypothetical: if such a practice were real, would it really matter in a society where humans are just another species in the animal kingdom? In an atheistic worldview, where the lines between humans and animals are blurred, one person’s fetus could very well be another’s sausage. If there’s no inherent distinction between people and pigs, as Richard Dawkins implied when he compared a fetus to an adult pig, then calling a fetus a delicacy in an atheist, communist society might not just be a grim possibility—it could be downright appetizing. After all, when you remove the moral framework, what's to stop anyone from turning the unimaginable into the next culinary trend?
This isn’t merely hypothetical; it underscores the broader consequences of atheistic reasoning. When deductive reasoning is untethered from an objective moral law, the conclusions can lead to practices that are consistent within their own logic but deeply unsettling from a moral perspective. If humans are viewed as no different from animals, then comparisons between fetuses and pigs may seem reasonable, leading to moral decisions that align more with convenience than with any sense of inherent human dignity.
Historical examples further illustrate the dangers of atheistic reasoning. The French Revolution, inspired by Enlightenment ideals that promoted atheism as a path to progress, began with noble intentions but quickly descended into the Reign of Terror. The removal of monotheistic moral constraints led to widespread executions carried out in the name of “reason.” In the 20th century, atheistic regimes influenced by Karl Marx’s ideology took this further, resulting in the deaths of over 100 million people. The Nazis, driven by Social Darwinism—a theory rooted in atheistic evolution—justified the Holocaust by claiming it was a necessary step in advancing human evolution. The logic was cold, calculated, and ultimately catastrophic.
On the other hand, monotheism provides a moral framework that recognizes the intrinsic value of every human life. The Roman Empire, once infamous for its brutal practices, began to reform as it embraced monotheistic values, leading to the abolition of practices like infanticide and slavery. These changes weren’t coincidental; they were the result of a worldview that saw every human being as valuable because they were made in the image of God.
Today, even some governments that are not traditionally monotheistic are beginning to see the importance of these values for societal stability. In Bolivia, for example, the government has incorporated monotheistic teachings into its school curriculum, resulting in significant reductions in social ills such as suicide and drug abuse. Similarly, China, facing a “moral crisis” due to a lack of spiritual grounding, has begun to incorporate monotheistic principles into its new “Harmonious Society” ideology.
The evidence is clear: societies that embrace monotheistic reasoning tend to flourish, while those that rely on atheistic reasoning often spiral into chaos and destruction. This discussion isn’t merely about spirituality; it’s about the very survival and thriving of humanity. History has repeatedly shown that without the guidance of an objective moral law, societies risk drifting into dangerous territory. In contrast, monotheistic reasoning offers a reliable compass for navigating these challenges, leading to just and humane societies capable of remarkable achievements.
In conclusion, even if the most sensational stories aren’t true, the logic behind atheism can still lead us to unsettling places. It’s crucial to seek thoughts and actions that are constructive, rational, and most importantly, grounded in objective morality. By doing so, we can help ensure that history doesn’t repeat its darkest chapters, and instead, we can build a future where every human life is valued and protected.